Le Camere
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Banks of the Po sinuous paths are ideal for relaxing walks outdoors between padana beauties of nature: the river, poplars and the vast expanses of fields. Especially articulated the cycling path, recently set up between Revere and limb of Mantua.

We take the road embankment until Borgofranco Po and after a stretch of provincial road is the path resumed embankment along the settlements ofCarbonara, and Sermide Felonica reaching the border with Ferrara.

Attention along these routes, is focused on connecting and enrichment of elements of the water system consists of the artefacts related to the reclamation and water system historian, on revaluation of the elements peculiar system of environmental landscape Po (poplar plantations, rows of embankment, Road trees), and the exploitation offorest areas of river floodplains.

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